REVIEWS of Flashcards, Guide & More
Cards for Wheelock's Latin
I use Wheelock
with my high school students, and those
kids who have bought the cards love them. They find the cards much like cell
phones and laptop computers--time saving life-simplifying technology! As one
of my sophomore boys put it: "It's, like, all done for you and everything, ya know?" I make a big pitch for them on parents' night because they really
seem to be helping: no one with the flash-cards is doing poorly on the vocab
quizzes. Go figure--behaviorism at its best! I might add that we emphasize
Latin/English derivatives and vocabulary in general (as a sort of sequencing
for AP). And, since the words in Wheelock are derived from authentic ancient
texts, the students are in a really good position to approach author-level
Latin when they get there. I'm a big fan of Wheelock's Latin vocabulary and
a big fan of these flashcards.—Daniel DiCenso, Latin teacher, Seneca High
School, Tabernacle, New Jersey
Having studied Latin
all throughout middle school and
high school, I know how difficult it would be for a college
student in the first year of learning Latin via the Wheelock text to
master not only conjugations and declensions, but also an entirely new
vocabulary. Before even starting to think about which case and number
is appropriate, the word must be recalled. Then there is the problem
of what gender the noun is, what conjugation the verb is, and what case
follows the conjunction. Often the result is that more time is spent
paging through a glossary or dictionary than actually learning the
The newly published Vocabulary Cards for Wheelock's
Latin offers a convenient yet thorough answer to these student
woes. As a former list-maker myself, I would make two columns
with each vocabulary word across from its definition, then cover one
while going down the other. Usually, though, I ended up memorizing the
words more by their order than their meaning, so that during the test,
I would have to try to recall a word's position in the list in order
to remember its definition. Flashcards are the perfect solution.
For while they still use repetition to coach the vocabulary words into
memory, the more flexible nature of flashcards encourages more
permanent learning at a faster pace. Of course, I tried making my own
flashcards before tests too. However, these homemade flashcards,
unevenly cut and usually scribbled out last-minute, would be thrown in
an indiscriminate pile after the quiz if I made them at all.
Generally, it took too long to find notecards and write out all the
words for it to be worth the time.
The Wheelock cards, on the other hand, are
labeled by chapter and come with an easily assembled storage box so
that they can be stored for later review. Moreover, the cards are
numbered to correspond with an included alphabetical list, allowing
for greater flexibility in organization. They can be quickly
sorted alphabetically, by the reference numbers, or into chapters
depending on what type of review is needed. The 877 Wheelock
Vocabulary Cards in this set are also more detailed than any
flashcards I could have made or most college students would make
today. Including all principal parts of verbs and the nominative and
genitive forms for nouns, the cards encourage total learning, which
will decrease time spent flipping through glossaries and
dictionaries. The English definitions are directly from Wheelock, and
list certain English derivatives as well. Complete with every macron
and accent mark, the cards encourage pronunciation of the words, which
adds another dimension to facilitate memorization. For example, when I
memorized words visually only, it tended to be short- term; saying and
hearing the forms of a word prolonged my memory. I would have loved to
have had flashcards which corresponded to the text I used to be
available for my use, not only to speed up memorization of vocabulary
words, but also to enrich my knowledge of these forms.
I recommend Wheelock Vocabulary Cards to any
student who is beginning to learn Latin via the Wheelock textbook.
Convenient, flexible and most importantly, conducive to being
stored for later use, the flashcards are a clear-cut means of
maximizing study time and quality.—Michelle Wu, Latin student
A Comprehensive Guide to
Wheelock's Latin
…while not every
student will need the
supplementary notes provided in this book, those that do will find that Grote
creates a well-marked path over the unfamiliar territory of Latin Grammar.
This book has been much-needed over the past five or ten years, and I am
extremely pleased to see it available. —Kirk Ormand from the
A Comprehensive Guide to Wheelock’s Latin is
an independent enterprise. Grote’s explanations of grammar are, if anything,
even more user-friendly than LaFleur’s own. Each chapter concludes with
useful remarks, on items in the vocabulary list. . .It could also serve as a
sort of teacher’s manual for someone, especially a graduate student, using
Wheelock for the first time. —Betty Rose Nagle, Indiana University, The Classical Outlook
38 Latin Stories
This little book of stories in Latin is
designed to accompany [Wheelock's Latin]. However, it would be a pity to
limit the use of such an excellent reader to Wheelock’s method alone; it
deserves much wider application. Almost any introductory course of Latin, at
High School or College level would benefit from its use.... By using this
reader, the student will learn how classical Latin was really written, and
become painlessly acquainted with the great Latin authors. The little book
itself is pleasing in appearance, easy to handle, and possessed of that
sober elegance characteristic of Bolchazy-Carducci publication.
—Mary Machado Classics Chronicle Miami, FL
Each page is attractively laid-out, typefaces
are varied and legible, and the whole is rather better advertisement for the
new printing technology that some other recent production. Anyone looking
for an easy reader to augment a conventional Latin course could well
consider this book —Ian Pratt JACT,
Excellent--made a
great companion to
Wheelock. It improved my students’ reading ability and also gave the
opportunity to talk about Roman culture.
—Prof. Robert Brown, Vassar College |
Who are the publishers?
Publishers, Inc.
offers several items to support the Wheelock's Latin Series:
Systems, which provides educational software for the
classics, offers the following software to support the use of
Wheelock's Latin:
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Wheelock's Latin
Chapter 1 Verbs