A lively, lovingly wrought Latin version of Maurice Sendak's classic children's book, WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE, translated by noted Latinist Richard A. LaFleur (aka, Doctor Illa Flora).
Wheelock's Latin Grammar Charts

Ecclesiastical, Medieval, and Neo-Latin Sentences
By Richard Upsher Smith, Jr.
Ecclesiastical, Medieval, and Neo-Latin Sentences offers Sententiae and Loci Immutati complete with notes, vocabulary, and grammar explanations for the 40 chapters of Wheelock’s Latin.
Find Them
By Sally Proctor
VERBA MIXTA LATINA for Wheelock's Latin is an entertaining way for students to engage with Latin vocabuary. These puzzles can be enjoyed by and benefit Latin students at any level!
Grammaticus is the premiere study aid for Wheelock’s Latin, 7th Edition, for Android devices. Principium is the version for iPhone.

Scribblers, Scvlptors, and Scribes
By Richard A. LaFleur
This all new supplementary reader is designed to accompany the Wheelock's curriculum, but is also suitable for any Latin program.
contact Sally Winchester at bcuthill@us.net
Wheelock's Latin GrammarQuick!
By Richard A. LaFleur, Brad Tillery
A quick and complete overview of
Latin grammar—both forms and usage—on six durably coated
cards, five-hole punched for easy insertion into
notebooks. Arranged by part of speech, with summaries of
all forms and the most common syntax, including case
uses and subjunctive clauses. An essential companion to
Wheelock's Latin and all introductory texts, and a handy
reference guide for intermediate and more advanced
students as well.
Chapter Vocabulary Lists for Wheelock's Latin--the
list for each chapter contains all the
words for that chapter as well as for all chapters
preceding! from Bolchazy-Carducci.
Readings from Wheelock's Latin -- an
extraordinary 4-CD audio package with recitations and
dramatic performances available from
Online audio
with a general introduction and pronunciation of all 40
chapter vocabularies (Macromedia Flash required). Simply
click on the Audio Link in the menu above or go
here. |
The Wheelock's Latin Series isn't complete without:
Wheelock's Latin Reader
Originally intended as a sequel
to Wheelock's Latin, this is the ideal text for any
intermediate-level Latin course. Read not only classical authors
but also medieval and late Latin writers.
Workbook for Wheelock's Latin
You will find in this essential companion to
Wheelock's Latin transformation drills, word power sections,
reading comprehension questions and more.
Need a dictionary?
Gem Latin Dictionary
This best-selling Latin mini-dictionary
comes with a verbs and nouns supplement; numbers, dates and measures; plus
an index of geographical names.
Collins Latin Concise Dictionary
This is a Latin dictionary and grammar—two
books in one. It also has supplements on Roman history, life and culture;
words and phrases used in English; and more.
Did you know... if you
refresh your page you get a new quote from either
Amo, Amas, Amat and More or
Veni, Vidi, Vici?
Don't want to study alone? Consider
joining an
online study group! |
HarperCollins Dictionaries & Phrase Books
Concise Dictionary
ordering information
The complete Latin dictionary and grammar—two books in
* comprehensive treatment of the vocabulary of texts
read in high school and college
* full step-by-step Latin grammar section
* detailed verb tables covering 120 regular verbs and
more than 300 irregular verbs
* supplements on Roman history, life, and culture
* special section of Latin words and phrases used in
contemporary English: carpe diem, quid pro quo, et cetera
All the information you need to know to translate
Virgil, Livy, or Cicero
Gem Latin Dictionary
ordering information
The best-selling Latin mini
* Latin verbs and nouns supplement
* numbers, dates, and measures
* index of geographical names
* compact and reliable
Amas, Amat and More
by Eugene Ehrlich
ordering information
“I know of no book to contend in usefulness with this resourceful, voluminous and appetizing smorgasbord.” –from the Introduction by William F. Buckley, Jr.
facta non verba
FAH-ktah nohn WEHR-bah actions speak louder than words
Facta non verba, literally “deeds, not words,” holds
that protestations of good intentions count for little, action is what we
Vidi, Vici
by Eugene Ehrlich
ordering information
Fans of Amo, Amas, Amat and More, Eugene
Ehrlich’s first collection of Latin words and phrases which still serve
gracefully today, will delight in this second offering.
Here’s a sampling:
contra felicem vix deus vires habet
KAWN-trah fhe-LEE-kem wiks DAY-uus WIHR-ehs HAH-bet
don’t bet against a crapshooter on a roll
Publilius Syrus telling us that “against a lucky man a god scarcely has power.” Why buck the odds?
dea certe
DEH-ah KEHR-tay
assuredly a goddess
A fine compliment to pay any woman of outstanding
achievement in her lifetime.
Want to see more? Try refreshing your page and watch the phrases change at the top of your screen!
Eugene Ehrlich, formerly a member of the department of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University, is the author of numerous reference books on language, including Amo, Amas, Amat and More and The Highly Selective Thesaurus for the Extraordinarily Literate. He is also the co-editor of the Oxford American Dictionary.
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Latin Maps?
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Ancient World Mapping Center
For full color beautiful posters of Pompeii, Rome, Ostia and Capri,
why not try
Anima Altera ?
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Anima Altera yet?
Check out these shirts--even one for Wheelock's Latin:
3 versions with different quotes on the back: Frost, Lord Byron
and Churchill.
Not to mention mugs and even a Wheelock's Tote!
