Flashcards, Guide & More
Cards and Grammatical Forms Summary for Wheelock's Latin
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Repetitio est mater memoriae (repetition is the
mother of memory)! These vocabulary cards allow students an easy way to
memorize Latin vocabulary words as they appear in each
chapter of Wheelock’s Latin, one of the most popular first-year Latin
books of all time. Students can practice Latin to English
or English to Latin, and use the cards to help them memorize the full
lexical forms of the Latin vocabulary words. These
cards make vocabulary review a snap! A convenient cross-index of cards helps
students locate the number of a particular card; a summary
of grammatical forms from Wheelock’s Latin allows students
faster and easier access to these references while studying.
- 877 numbered vocabulary cards, arranged chapter by
chapter, on perforated cardstock
- full Latin vocabulary entry on one side (with
macrons, accents, and complete principal
parts for verbs and nominative and genitive forms for nouns)
- English meanings given in Wheelock plus select
derivatives/cognates on the other side
- Easy-assembly storage box for cards, on cardstock
- Alphabetical list of all Latin vocabulary entries,
with card numbers for cross-reference
- Grammatical form summaries, reproduced from
Wheelock’s Latin, for fast and easy reference
Praise for the Flashcards
Latin teachers have been waiting a long time
for this invaluable accompaniment to Wheelock. At long last students will
have no excuses for not memorizing their vocabulary.
—Professor Ward Briggs, Carolina Distinguished Professor of Classics, Louise
Fry Scudder Professor of Humanities, University of South Carolina
I use Wheelock with my high school students,
and those kids who have bought the cards love them. They find the cards much
like cell phones and laptop computers--time saving life-simplifying
technology! [complete review]—Daniel DiCenso, Latin teacher, Seneca High
School, Tabernacle, New Jersey
I recommend Wheelock Vocabulary Cards to any
student who is beginning to learn Latin via the Wheelock textbook.
Convenient, flexible and most importantly, conducive to being stored for
later use, the flashcards are a clear-cut means of maximizing study time and
quality. [complete review]
—Michelle Wu, Latin student
More Reviews of Vocabulary Cards for Wheelock's
About the Authors
Richard A. LaFleur is Franklin Professor
of Classics at the University of Georgia, Athens. He is the author of
numerous textbooks and other publications on Latin
language, literature, pedagogy, and teacher-training. He has served as
Editor of The Classical Outlook, President of the American Classical League,
Head of the University of Georgia’s Department of Classics and is recipient
of the American Philological Association's national award for excellence in
the teaching of Classics.
Brad Tillery holds a B.A. and an M.Ed. from
Georgia College and State University and has taught for eleven years,
currently at Heritage High School in Conyers, Georgia.
from Wheelock’s Latin
Mark Robert Miner (readings and performances)
Richard A. LaFleur (producer), editor
ordering information
A 4-CD audio package, with recitation
(in Restored Classical Pronunciation) of all vocabulary and paradigms for
the 40 chapters of Wheelock’s Latin, as well as dramatic readings of
Sententiae Antiquae and narrative passages in the 40 chapters, and lively
performances of brief representative selections from the Loci Antiqui and
Loci Immutati. Wheelock’s Latin is America’s best-selling introductory
college-level Latin text, with sales for the Series package (basal text,
Workbook, and Reader) totalling over 50,000 copies per year; production of
the proposed audio CD package is timed to coincide with release of the new
6th Edition, Revised, of the text, which, with its new hardback edition,
online audio for vocabulary, and online teacher’s guide, will likely
experience further growth in sales, including an expanded secondary-school
Special Features
- 8-page introductory booklet
- Restored Classical Pronunciation of
- Vocabulary
- Paradigms
- Sententiae Antiquae
- Lively readings of
- Narrative Passages
- Brief Representative Selections from Loci Antiqui and Loci Immutati
This is the only audio recording
available of exercises and passages from Wheelock’s Latin.
Praise for "Readings from Wheelock's Latin"
"...excellent pronunciation and
interpretation; the continuous passages are done in a lively, imaginative
style. Teachers and students will be grateful for many generations."
Stephen Daitz,
Professor of Classical Languages Emeritus,
City University of New York
Cumulative Chapter Vocabulary Lists for Wheelock’s
Richard A. LaFleur and Brad Tillery
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Cumulative vocabulary lists for the 40
chapters of Wheelock’s Latin. The list for each chapter contains all the
words for that chapter as well as for all chapters preceding; e.g., the
chapter 10 list includes all the words introduced in chapters 1-10, usefully
sorted by part of speech; nouns and adjectives are further sorted by
declension, and verbs by conjugation; all English meanings are included, as
are macrons and accents.
Special Features
• An invaluable study and review aid for
• Helpful for teachers in designing chapter and unit tests, and
composing Latin sentences and passages for tests and in-class work
• Forty cumulative lists, hole punched- Lists are arranged by chapter of
Wheelock’s Latin, each list is cumulative: includes all previous chapter
- Lists are sorted by part of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs,
conjunctions, prepositions, pronouns, interjections, idioms, prefixes,
suffixes, numberals)
• Nouns further sorted by declension
• Verbs further sorted by conjugation
- Lists include all English meanings, and have macrons and accents
Comprehensive Guide To Wheelock's Latin
by Dale A Grote
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A Tried and True Escort through Wheelock. This study
guide is designed to accompany the sixth edition of the Wheelock’s Latin
textbook, but can also be used as a review of beginning Latin.
Praise for A Comprehensive Guide to Wheelock's
“Instructors who use this book are likely to
see the pace of their class accelerate and their students understand the
material in the textbook more fully.” —R. Scott Smith, University of New
Hampshire, Bryn Mawr
Classical Review
More Reviews of
A Comprehensive Guide to Wheelock's Latin
Latin Stories
Designed to Accompany Wheelock's Latin
by Anne H. Groton and James M. May
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Though intended as a supplement to the one-volume
Latin course by F. M. Wheelock, this book is well suited for
use in any introductory Latin course. All the stories in the book are based
on actual Latin literature, with the stories simplified at first and made
gradually more complex as the work progresses. Students will learn how
classical Latin was really written as they become familiar with the works of
the great Latin authors.
Praise for 38 Latin Stories:
I would enthusiastically recommend the book
to all those who teach elementary Latin via Wheelock and wish to provide
their students from the start with continuous passages of interesting and
idiomatically sound Latin prose.—Richard
A. LaFleur, University of Georgia, in The Classical Outlook
More Reviews of
38 Latin Stories

ordering information
[Win/Mac, 32 MB RAM, 5 MB hard drive space]
DRILL-AND-PRACTICE program specially designed for
Latin VOCABULARY, with versions correlated to most major Latin textbooks,
including Wheelock's Latin.
Want to know more? Go to
www.centaursystems.com now!

ordering information
[Win/Mac, 32MB RAM, 5MB hard drive space]
DRILL-AND-PRACTICE program for the many Latin
PARADIGM CHARTS of forms and endings, correlated to most major Latin
textbooks, including Wheelock's Latin. Includes drills for the four
major parts of speech.
Want to know more? Go to
www.centaursystems.com now! |


A lively, lovingly wrought Latin version of Maurice Sendak's classic children's book, WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE, translated by noted Latinist Richard A. LaFleur (aka, Doctor Illa Flora).
Wheelock's Latin Grammar Charts

Ecclesiastical, Medieval, and Neo-Latin Sentences
By Richard Upsher Smith, Jr.
Ecclesiastical, Medieval, and Neo-Latin Sentences offers Sententiae and Loci Immutati complete with notes, vocabulary, and grammar explanations for the 40 chapters of Wheelock’s Latin.
Find Them
By Sally Proctor
VERBA MIXTA LATINA for Wheelock's Latin is an entertaining way for students to engage with Latin vocabuary. These puzzles can be enjoyed by and benefit Latin students at any level!
Grammaticus is the premiere study aid for Wheelock’s Latin, 7th Edition, for Android devices. Principium is the version for iPhone.

Scribblers, Scvlptors, and Scribes
By Richard A. LaFleur
This all new supplementary reader is designed to accompany the Wheelock's curriculum, but is also suitable for any Latin program.
contact Sally Winchester at bcuthill@us.net
Wheelock's Latin GrammarQuick!
By Richard A. LaFleur, Brad Tillery
A quick and complete overview of
Latin grammar—both forms and usage—on six durably coated
cards, five-hole punched for easy insertion into
notebooks. Arranged by part of speech, with summaries of
all forms and the most common syntax, including case
uses and subjunctive clauses. An essential companion to
Wheelock's Latin and all introductory texts, and a handy
reference guide for intermediate and more advanced
students as well.
Chapter Vocabulary Lists for Wheelock's Latin--the
list for each chapter contains all the
words for that chapter as well as for all chapters
preceding! from Bolchazy-Carducci.
Readings from Wheelock's Latin -- an
extraordinary 4-CD audio package with recitations and
dramatic performances available from
Online audio
with a general introduction and pronunciation of all 40
chapter vocabularies (Macromedia Flash required). Simply
click on the Audio Link in the menu above or go
here. |
The Wheelock's Latin Series isn't complete without:
Wheelock's Latin Reader
Originally intended as a sequel
to Wheelock's Latin, this is the ideal text for any
intermediate-level Latin course. Read not only classical authors
but also medieval and late Latin writers.
Workbook for Wheelock's Latin
You will find in this essential companion to
Wheelock's Latin transformation drills, word power sections,
reading comprehension questions and more.
Need a dictionary?
Gem Latin Dictionary
This best-selling Latin mini-dictionary
comes with a verbs and nouns supplement; numbers, dates and measures; plus
an index of geographical names.
Collins Latin Concise Dictionary
This is a Latin dictionary and grammar—two
books in one. It also has supplements on Roman history, life and culture;
words and phrases used in English; and more.
Did you know... if you
refresh your page you get a new quote from either
Amo, Amas, Amat and More or
Veni, Vidi, Vici?
Don't want to study alone? Consider
joining an
online study group! |